
Belt size guide

Measuring instructions:

  • With a tape measure in hand, measure the length in centimetres of the waist at the exact position where you put the belt on.
  • The size of The Bridge belts is calculated from the tip of the buckle to the third hole and corresponds to the circumference in centimetres of the waist.



Need to make a gift? Orient yourself with the trouser size.

Consult the conversion table from trouser size to corresponding waistline.


Small Medium Large X-  Large 2X-Large 3X- Large
SIZE 80cm 90cm 100cm 110cm 120cm 135cm
IT 44 48 52 56 60 XL
DE 40 44 48 52 54 XL
UK 10 14 18 22 28 30
EURO 42 46 50 54 56 XL
US 30 34 38 42 46 48


Do you want to shorten your The Bridge belt?

  • The first thing to check is whether your belt is equipped with a screw or swivel that allows you to shorten your belt quickly and easily. In a few minutes a shoemaker will make your belt the right size. But if you don't have the time or inclination, you can do it yourself without too much difficulty!

  • After taking the size, unscrew the swivel or screw. 

  • Pull out the buckle and cut off the superfluous part of the leather. A sturdy pair of scissors is sufficient, in any case, even if the cut is not perfect, it will come out perfectly.

  • Using the cut sample, pierce the belt respecting the distance. If you do not have a drilling machine, you can use a screwdriver. The important thing is that the hole allows the screw to pass through. 

  • Once done, simply insert the buckle and tighten the screw, and you're done!

Pubblicato il 03 Dec 2024


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